Secure message guide for Manage my Visa card website

If you’d like to make changes to your Visa account, you can send us a secure message through the Manage My Visa Card website

This ‘secure message guide’ includes all the information we will need for your request – checking this helps your request get completed faster.

For general inquiries (unless listed below) and all Business account inquiries, please call Card Services 24/7 at 604-877-4999 and toll-free at 1-800-611-8472.


Category: Reason: What we need in your message:
Automatic payments


Set up


To set up from Vancity accounts:

  • Indicate your choice of either full OR minimum payments
  • Your complete 12-digit Vancity Chequing account number (this can be found on your monthly statement or beside the product name in online banking)
  • You must have signing authority on the account – if more than 1 signer is required, or you have a Business account, please contact Card Services at 604-877-4999

To switch between full or minimum payments from a Vancity account: tell us which payment you’d like to switch from and to (options are minimum payments or full payments).


To set up from another financial institution:

  • Your request to set up a minimum payment (full payments are only an option with a Vancity Chequing account)
  • Confirm your email address, send us a secure message indicating your interest, and we will email you the next steps.


  • Setup takes a full cycle to implement, so you must pay your current minimum payment.
  • Switching must be requested at least 3 days in advance of your due date, otherwise your payment will go through
Automatic payments




  • Tell us you’d like to cancel your autopay
  • We will confirm via secure message once your request has been processed

Note: must request this at least 3 days in advance of your due date, otherwise it will go through

Inquiries Transaction inquiries The statement month, transaction date, merchant name and amount that you have questions about
Inquiries  Statement inquiries
  • To receive a copy of a past statement, include the date of desired statement and your current email address
  • Each statement requested costs $2 and will be charged to your Visa account

Did you know: You can view up to 24 months of your statements by going to ‘view transactions’ in the top left menu bar?

Phone numbers Update home number Your new home phone number*
Phone numbers Update mobile number Your new mobile phone number*
Phone numbers Update business number Your new business phone number*
Phone numbers Update other number Your new other phone number*
Request replacement card  Damaged
  • The reason for a new card, and your current mailing address
  • If your card has been lost or stolen, please call 1-888-990-9691

*All changes to Business account phone numbers must be done by calling Card Services at 604-877-4999 and toll-free at 1-800-611-8472

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