Secure message guide for Manage my Visa card website
If you’d like to make changes to your Visa account, you can send us a secure message through the Manage My Visa Card website
This ‘secure message guide’ includes all the information we will need for your request – checking this helps your request get completed faster.
For general inquiries (unless listed below) and all Business account inquiries, please call Card Services 24/7 at 604-877-4999 and toll-free at 1-800-611-8472.
Category: | Reason: | What we need in your message: |
Automatic payments
Set up
To set up from Vancity accounts:
To switch between full or minimum payments from a Vancity account: tell us which payment you’d like to switch from and to (options are minimum payments or full payments).
To set up from another financial institution:
Automatic payments
Note: must request this at least 3 days in advance of your due date, otherwise it will go through |
Inquiries | Transaction inquiries | The statement month, transaction date, merchant name and amount that you have questions about |
Inquiries | Statement inquiries |
Did you know: You can view up to 24 months of your statements by going to ‘view transactions’ in the top left menu bar? |
Phone numbers | Update home number | Your new home phone number* |
Phone numbers | Update mobile number | Your new mobile phone number* |
Phone numbers | Update business number | Your new business phone number* |
Phone numbers | Update other number | Your new other phone number* |
Request replacement card | Damaged |
*All changes to Business account phone numbers must be done by calling Card Services at 604-877-4999 and toll-free at 1-800-611-8472